Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weather is a changin'

The weather is a changin'.  Yes, yes, today it is raining.  We so needed rain.  The fields were burning up like they have never done before in many years.  We needed the rain so our grass will grow - we need hay for the winter and we have sold all of our hay rounds to the struggling cattle farmers in Oklahoma.  We will need 50 rounds to feed our horses for the winter.  A normal harvest for us is 140 rounds.  We normally have two harvests a year and in a very good year, we get three harvests.  We will be lucky to get two this year. 

The smell of the fresh rain is indescribable, the grass which was turning grey and wilted is already perking up as if reaching for the rain.  There is a soft wind blowing and I can hear the rain drops on the roof of the barn.  No worries about watering the young trees, the orchard or my vegetable garden today or maybe tomorrow. 

I am happy to say my cucumbers are beginning to produce. I picked 10 cucumbers last evening and already have about 20 in the refrig under wet towels.  So, today they will be introduced to their new home, a jar with a wonderful tasty brine poured over them and they heated and sealed in a very nice jar, cooled and placed on the shelf of honor - the canned goods shelf in the kitchen to be displayed and then chosen at a certain time to be opened and bring joy to someones palette. 

My neighbor shared with me the joys of drying her freshly washed clothes on her clothes line outside.  She claims they smell so good, like no other added fragrance you buy in the store.  BUT I will also caution you with a small drawback seems while the sheets are waving in the wind, soaking up the sunshine and all the wonderful fragrances of the surrounding wild flowers, grasses and woods....there can sometimes be a slight disappointment or challenge.  It seems that sometimes that wind, fragrance and warmth from the sun in also enjoyed by a wonderful little birdie who sees such a nice perch waiting for him.  He decides to take a rest of all that flying around seeking bugs and lites on this cloth covered line.  Well, seconds run into minutes and all those bugs take a toll and force the little birds system to move at a faster pace than normal.  Well, when it comes time to bring those wonderful clothes and sheets in from the line, she noticed that there was a strange stripe down the middle of one of her white sheets.  it seems it is green and white in color and only runs halfway down.  "CRAP!"  That was Gale's exclamation and CRAP it was.  So that particular sheet had to be subjected to another swim in the washing machine.

Nuff said for today - 

You can sharpen your knives on the bottom of a red clay flower pot.

COUNTRY HOME RECIPE: Cornbread with Okra
*now I must say most folks don't like okra even though they have never tried it but this recipe is delicious.

1 box of cornbread mix (prepared per the instructions on box)
1 can of drained and chopped tomatoes
1 - 2 cups of cleaned and chopped okra
Mix all together and bake as directed.

Hope you enjoy it.