Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Day In The LIfe Of.........August 7, 2011

Howdy! Well we are having the roughest, driest summers we have ever had.  The locals say they have not seen a dry summer like this for 30 or 40 yrs.  The vegetable gardens are really taking a hit - Usually you don't have to worry about watering except for about 2 weeks. This year I have had to water my cucumbers 15 mins each day, water the tomatoes every other day, the young fruit trees in my orchard 2 times a week and our other young trees once a week, at least.  The black berries burned up pretty much and so did the raspberries but they are coming back.  This is my first year for raspberries and they are starting to produce again, we might have raspberries again in a few weeks. 

We just sold all of our hay rounds, except for 8.  The folks in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma are hurting for hay.  One of the folks said some guys have come down there in Arkansas and are selling the round bales for $85/a rnd.  We sell ours for $35 and will keep that price - we can sleep at night. 

Put up 22 jars of Bread and Butter pickles yesterday - they are soooo good.  Have decided I am going to do most of my canning in pint jars instead of quart jars.  My step mom, Marge, told me she put up some Bread and Butter zucchini. Sounds good so I am going to try it.  Also doing some research into dried green beans.  They sell them in the store as a snack with a little salt.  I have a dryer so I will try. 

The hummin' birds have gone through 2 qts of nectar so I have to fill them again - last night there was up to 25 hummin' birds out there at the same time.  Have to put out the tomato plants we started and are in the window in the house.  They are about 1 foot high with blossoms.  Was eating a sugar baby water melon and planted one of it's seeds and it is growing in my window so will put it out in a week or so.  Tomatoes are ripening so will pick today and blanch them, freeze them and when I get a larger production I will make some Stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce and salsa. 

Winds have come and clouds are a gatherin' which brings hopeful thoughts of thunder storms.

That is all for today - have to get to my chores.

FARM HOME REMEDIES: Prevent Nose Bleeds - Mrs. Andy J. Byler (Amish)
To prevent nosebleeds - eat peanuts regularly

COUNTRY HOME COOKIN' RECIPE: Oatmeal Cake (Teresa Templeton)
1 1/2 cups oats
2 1/4 cup boiling water
      - let this stand for awhile, then add
1 1/4  sticks of butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 1/4  cups flour
1 teas. baking soda
2 teas. cinnamon
1 teas. salt
1 teas. vanilla
1/2 cup nuts
Mix all the above together and bake at 350 deg for 35-45 mins

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup cocoanut
1/2 cup chopped nuts
2 Tablespoons milk

Cook all of this on top of stove until the sugar is dissolved.  You can add more, actually should double to make it really good.
Put topping on hot cake and put under broiler to toast cocoanut.


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