Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rules and Just Knowin's from Living in the Country

August 6, 2011
Well it has been a few days since I wrote - sometimes I get to busy.  I've been visitin' Nadine in the hospital and she has been entertaining the nurses and doctors with her stories and great humor.  She is doin' better. Doc told her that her jalopy is wearin' out and she needs an oil change ever once in awhile. 

So I was a thinkin' those ladies in New York and New Jersey - those "Real Housewives" have no clue.  I guess their rules are 1) don't steal your friends hair dresser, 2) don't wear the same dress twice, 3) don't shop at Walmart for your clothes, 4) don't pay any less than $150 for jeans.

Well, here are the rules and knowin's (things learned) of the Real Housewives of Rural Missouri:
1) Always do the Missouri wave when passin' a vehicle on side roads (left hand on wheel, last 3 fingers wave)
2) Don't hit those little turtles on the road
3) Turtles only cross the road for two reasons - sex and "It's gettin' ready to rain heavy"
4) When you return a dish or container to your neighbor - never return it empty, cookies will make them smile
5) When you see your neighbor's cows out - open the gate, chase them in and close the gate - then call them and let them know - let's hope those were their cows!!!
6) Don't go pickin' wild blackberries without puttin' Seven on your legs and arms - otherwise you are Thanksgiving for Chiggers - aka "No See Ums)
7) Put a radio out in your corn and turn it one at night to keep the raccoons away
8) Don't start your vegie garden until the wild blackberries start to bloom and the Hedge trees are budding in the Spring.
9) Plant your lettuce on the last snow fall in Spring - it buries the seed just fine
10) Shake out your Muck Boots before puttin's them on, might me a mouse in 'em
11) After some good long rains, don't go walkin' in your dirt garden unless you want to grow about 3 inches (mud on your boots that won't come off to easy)
12) When mowin' along the highway, make sure you stop when a car comes by as your mower is shootin' rocks
13) Dig out those Thistles before they bloom - always throw them away - don't burn them
14) In the Spring and Summer always check your body for ticks before you go to bed
15) Keep your dry goods in sealed  jars so mice won't get at them
16) When you dig your potatoes, cover them with straw outside for a week then put them in boxes under your bed - they will be good all winter

Well, there are a few rules and knowin's for living in Rural Missouri

GOOD OLE' COUNTRY RECIPE - Quickie Butterscotch Fudge
(unknown author)

1 pkg Butterscotch chips
1 cup peanut butter (crunchy of smooth)
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Melt chips in microwave, mix in peanut butter and pecans
Pour into 8x8 pan and refrigerate
Soooooooo Goood

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