Monday, July 18, 2011

A Day In The LIfe Of.........July 18, 2011

Well my morning started a little early - it was cool, cloudy and I decided I would sleep in just a little - RING RING RING - Oh Crap!  My neighbor, Gale, was calling looking for jumper cables.  Her neighbors, Irish Dairymen, need battery cables.  Sooooo, I got my butt out of bed, went out to my husbands shop.  Now, "shop" is a nice neat word, his shop is NOT.  When you are looking for something, you look on the floor, in the billion plastic and paper sacks from Lowe's that are sitting around, on the shelves that just hold anything he set there.  Oh do I hate to go in there.  Well, no luck, then out to the tractors parked in the barn but no cables.  Walked back in and tripped over - guess what?  Battery cables. 

Gale drives up and says, "Git in girl" - oh my - in my garden shorts, stained shirt (used for gardening) and flip flops - hair goin' every which way - okay - so off we go over a couple of roads to a little ranch where this Irish couple lives.  Nice folks, Irish accent.  Gary, the husband, comes speedin' in on his 4 wheeler, his muck boots (rubber boots up the knees) full of cow crap, wearing his chaps (to protect his legs from cow kicks and cow crap) and jumps the battery on his wife's car.  "Top of the mornin' to ya"  he says. 

These folks are flown over from Ireland to work this dairy owned by an Irishman.  Very nice folks.  After that home to get on my 4-wheeler to go spray some weeds before it gets to hot.  Hmmmmm not enough gas,  checked the gas cans - empty sooooo - not sprayin' til tonight when it is cool again.  So climbed on my lawn tractor with my garden wagon attached.  Out to the garden, weeded the tomatoes, put the soaker on the peppers and struggling cucumbers.  Sprayed the apple trees with detergent mixture to get rid of Japanese beetles.  Set out a hose to drip on one of our trees - we never have to water our trees but this year, the heat is really hard on everything.  So many farmers selling their fields to dairies so that can use the "silage" (ground up corn stalks and ears) to feed the cows. Well, back in the house for the afternoon - check the peaches I canned yesterday to see if they all sealed.  You feel the center of the lids to make sure it has popped in. They are all fine and ready to wash off the outside of the jars, mark them and put them on the shelf. My rest of the day will be chores inside - YUCK! Rather be outside.

Eating garlic regularly in your diet will increase fertility.  It is an aphrodisiac and is a libido stimulant.  (Mennonite Home remedies)

COUNTRY RECIPES - Nadine's Kidney Bean Salad
(Nadine doesn't include many measurements)

2 cans Kidney Beans (washed)
4 boiled eggs (chopped)
sweet pickles (chopped)
sugar or sweetner
*this is a great salad


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