Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Day In The LIfe Of.........July 23, 2011

Well, it' still hot but the whole southern part of Missouri are all outside doing rain dances.  There are thunderheads looming on the horizon and the weatherman says we are supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow - but I am convinced our weathermen are drop outs from a community college somewhere.  They are never right and most often predicting a sunny day when it is pouring outside.  Hmmmmm. 

I checked all my struggling plants and trees this morning and they are doing okay.  I have a whole other vegetable garden inside the house in my window - tomatoes, pickling cucumbers and 2 watermelons.  They are doing well in the window but will be evicted soon as they are doing what they do best, growing.  After this hot weather breaks, I will find them a good home outside.  Hopefully, I will get some decent cucumbers so I can put up lots of pickles this year.  Everyone likes my pickles. 

Sewed most of the day yesterday making one more window curtain for my husband's bedroom/cave.  All the measuring and remeasuring, going up and down the stairs from sewing machine to his room and back - FINALLY finished and put them up.........they were two inches short.....DRAT!!!!  Well, we just lowered the rod and they fit fine.  So glad I don't earn my living making curtains.  Now I can make my kitchen curtains.  I knew if I didn't do my husbands curtain first I would not do it. I love making new kitchen counter curtains.  Will make a table cloth to match.  It is a real country kitchen - no kitchen cupboards, just shelves under the counter which I cover with country type curtains.  The rest of everything is in my huge walk in pantry, thank God. 

My earliest memory is from living in San Fernando Valley, Calif at the age of 3-4 yrs old.   Dad worked for Pacific Telephone on the test board and on Monday nights he would bowl with his co-workers.  Mom and I would go meet dad at his work and then go the bowling alley with him.  I remember one night when we arrived at the phone company(in Hollywood) and we were upstairs and we all leaned out the window and watched a parade - It was a political parade with General Eisenhower who was running for President of the U.S. Of course I had no clue who he was but remember it well.  My mom was about 6 or 7 months pregnant with my brother.

My dad's co workers would ask me, "What do you want, a baby brother or a baby sister?"  That would always piss me off because I was just fine being the only one.  But....I did have a couple of friends where we lived in the "projects" in San Fernando, who were black.  I really didn't know that there was any difference but thought they looked pretty being that color. I wanted to be that color.  So I would tell my dad's coworkers and anyone else who ventured to ask me that question, "I want a BLACK baby brother."  I was most determined. That became a little side show when we visited friends.  My dad would have them ask me what I wanted. 

Well, little did they know how decided I was.  The day came when my mom went to the hospital.  By then we were living with my grandparents in North Hollywood.  Dad arrives home with mom and this little bundle.  They come into the house, beaming with joy and placed my new little brother down on the couch and introduce me to my new little brother, Lynn.  I took one look at this little ugly pink thing crying and got mad.  I told them, "I don't like him, I wanted a black baby brother."  And then I stomped off.

Well, this is where rubber meets the road as far as deciding whether I had a good dad or not.  My wonderful dad, picked me up, gave me a big hug and said he would be right back.  Dad left the house and was gone for a short while.  When he returned he had a special little blanket covered bundle.  It was a little black baby doll.  He had gone to the section of San Fernando Valley, at that time, which was located literally across the railroad tracks where all the "black people live".  He went to a store there and bought this baby doll for me.

Well, that settled me down and now I had two baby brothers, one was white and the other was black. I grew up torturing my poor little brother.  We fought and teased each other and drove my mom crazy - but have an incredibly close loving relationship. The little black baby brother - well he never grew up and I wish I had him now for just memories. 

To enable yourself to think more clearly, eat 3 pecan halves daily.

COUNTRY RECIPES - Steamed Cauliflower
I know - nobody likes Cauliflower BUT I have converted lots of folks who now eat Cauliflower a lot.
1 head of Cauliflower
yellow mustard (or whatever flavor you like)

Pull all the green leaves off the Cauliflower and cut off the stem. 
Cover the Cauliflower with Saran and place it in a plastic bowl
Place the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 12 mins.
Test the Cauliflower by sticking a knife in it and if it slides in without resistance it is
ready, otherwise cook a little longer.
Once the Cauliflower is done, keep covered until ready to eat.
Meanwhile, put a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise in a small bowl and then add
mustard until the mixture turns yellow and you can taste more mustard than mayonnaise.
Blend together until smooth

Pull the Saran off the Cauliflower, cut in 1/4's or 1/8's

I guarantee you will like it.
Good Luck!!!

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!

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